January 2014
Dr. Alex Wade, a pediatrician, came with us this trip. He saw all the school children, and many more from the community.
Hassan, a Haitian third year medical student, joined us again, and translated for Dr. Alex.
Hassan holding a light for me.
Me, Hassan, and Alex in the clinic
Marie-Claude lost her sight due to glaucoma. Her home, like almost all the houses in Duval, was destroyed in the earthquake in 2010.
Marie-Claude and her son, Orlando
Marie-Claude, her husband and two children still live in one room with a dirt floor. The walls are made from the tin roof which was salvaged from their destroyed home. When I returned to the US and shared about her situation, someone made a large donation to rebuild her home.
Children go to the spring in the early morning to fill buckets with water.
Farmers bring their products to sell at the market.
We want to help establish of businesses which can provide economic self-sufficiency. Pastor Guito recently bought 3,500 coffee plants, which were given to the local farmers.
Kettia with coffee plants
Fresh roasted coffee!
Dr. Alex and Richemane (Pastor Guito’s sister) shared a birthday!
Alex Alexandre and his brothers at church.
Thank you for your prayers and support!