September 2020
Dear friends and family,
Here’s a brief summary of our time in Haiti. We saw 350 patients in the medical clinic, and Dr. Nixon saw at least 120 dental patients. A woman with the very large thyroid mass is going for surgery next week. Two men with hernias want to get surgery, and there are others with similar needs.
There is a woman with neurofibromatosis. I removed 3 of the neurofibromas that bothered her the most, on her hand, arm, and back. Time did not allow for more, but I plan to remove many more the next trip. Dr. Joseph is going to come to the clinic one day a week, so she will provide much needed continuity of care.
At the end of 2 very busy weeks, I got a bad case of gastroenteritis and a fever. I was supposed to fly home the next morning, but I was too sick to go. Maman Pierre gathered everyone in the house. They prayed, sang, and quoted psalms from memory, for an hour and a half. Finally I started to feel a little better. I went to bed, and woke up the next morning completely well, thank God!
One last thing:
Please consider sponsoring one of the children. It pays their teachers’ salary, and provides a meal every day. The sponsorship program is run by a Canadian church, who built the school.
Thank you!